Friday, February 23, 2007

Ultra-sound pictures

He's definately a boy!!!

Well I finally scanned the ultra-sound pictures. Some are from December 30 (15 weeks) and others from February 22 (22 weeks). When I had my ultra-sound yesterday, the tech told me that Clayson is about 1 pound 2 ounces. She changed the due date to 5 days later (June 29) but my Doctor is going to stick with the first date (June 24).

Side view of his face with his little hand up to his mouth.

Alexandria showed more of an interest in this appointment than any other. She was fascinated with the ultra-sound and kept telling her Uncle Joey "look, look." Before we left the house I explained what we were going to Mommy's doctor for. She wanted to know if we could hear the baby's heartbeat in her tummy. She really thinks she has a baby in her tummy too.

His tummy and legs crossed. He had his legs crossed almost the whole time.

Clayson moves so much! I have been feeling a lot of tightness. It feels as though he is turning. The tech said that as of yesterday he was face down with his body in my left side and his feet across my upper body. He's sprawled out...and I feel it.

I have dreams nearly every night of what he looks like. I'm anxious to see if my dreams are remotley close. I can have him as early as 15 weeks from now. I can't believe how this pregnancy is flying by. Amazing...but I'm enjoying every minute of it.

His legs and boy parts