Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Day 2

I've been told that the second day of school is the hardest. It started out that way for Alexandria. She woke up in a great mood but didn't want to put her clothes on. She wanted to stay in her "jammas." Once I got her all ready and in the car she realized that I was taking her to school. She cried the whole way there. Tears, redface...the works. I gave her a picture of the three of us and told her that she can look at it when she is sad. I kept reassuring her that Mommy will be back after Mommy is out of school. The tears kept rolling down. When she got into the lunch room and saw Teacher Belinda she instantly reached for her and put her head on her shoulder. That was my chance to sneak out. When I picked her up this afternoon, Teacher Margret told me that she did great. She only cried a little at nap time and slept nearly 2 hours. Margret gave Alexandria the picture of us at nap time and she told me that Alexandria looked at it and flung it like a frisbee. I'm not quite sure how to interpret that one. But overall, preschool is turing out to be fun for Alexandria. She's doing great!


Jana Allard said...

Oh, what fun! Take lots of pictures because tomorrow she will graduating from high school. Enjoy the moment. XO

Unknown said...

Holy smokes. I can't believe that she is already in pre-school! Man how time flies. Have fun out there!

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