Sunday, February 4, 2007

Poor Baby

My poor little baby. Alexandria was pretty fussy Friday when I picked her up from my mom's house. My mom said that she had been fine all day, but had been pulling at her hear. I spent nearly 30 minutes trying to figure out what Alexandria wanted. She was very out of character...throwing a tantrum. She finally fell asleep nearly 2 hours later. When she woke up she was in a good mood. She ended up going to bed late because of her late nap. She woke up around 3am and came in our room. She was very irritable and crying again. She told me she had an ouchie in her hear. Nothing I did calmed her down and I tried everything for 30 minutes. I called my mom and she told me I should take her to the ER. We got there around 4ish. The nurse at registration was amazed that Alexandria took the Tylenol from her hand and gave it to herself with no problem. Luckily Alexandria takes medicine very well. We didn't see a Dr. until around 5:30 and were released around 6. She has an ear infection in her left ear. She fell asleep on the way home from the ER and woke up at 8:30am in the best mood. She remembered it was her cousin's b-day so we took her to the party (the Dr. said that she'd be fine and isn't contagious). Alexandria played and played all day. She was in another great mood today. She's the greatest!!!

Alexandria and her friend Morgan

Be sure to check back tomorrow for pictures from her first day of school!!!