Wednesday, February 28, 2007

A little worried...but nothing big

Tomorrow I'm having a mole or whatever it is removed from my head. I'm going to a surgeon because it is going to have to be cut out. It is growing under the skin as well as continually growing on the skin. About a year and a half ago my Doctor froze it off thinking it was a wart on my head. Six months later it came back and has continued to grow since then. According to my OBGYN my second trimester is the safest time for me to do this. I'm going to have to have local anesthetic in order to remain awake. I know that everything is going to be okay, but I'm still a little nervous. Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers tomorrow. The procedure is at 11:30 am. Thanks!

Monday, February 26, 2007

The Count Down is on...

We're counting down the days until Alise and Josh return home for good. 10 more days!!!

Everytime we leave the house Alexandria thinks we're going to see Auntie and Uncle Josh. The other day we were at my grandparent's house and I went in the room Alise and Josh stayed in at Christmas time. Alexandria said "Mommy this is Auntie's room." Pretty soon it's going to be their room again...the next count down will be when James, Alexandria and I move out into something bigger and Alise and Josh will be moving in to the place we're living now. I can't believe Alise and Josh are almost home!!! It's very exciting knowing they're coming back and staying.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Playing in the Rain

Well, a while ago I posted about hoping for rain so Alexandria and I could go play and splash in the puddles. It had rained, but she was sleeping when it was.

This afternoon we were laying around and James heard the rain begin to pour. We geared up with our boots and umbrellas and out we went.

All three of us had a blast! My mom said that Alise and I played in the rain before when we were younger...but I don't remember. James said he had never gone out and played in the rain. And of course this was Alexandria's first time. By the time we were soaked we decided it was probably time to go in.

It was exciting to see Alexandria's reactions to splashing in the puddles. She actually fell in a puddle and James and I thought she might cry, but she got up with a big smile and continued on. It was so much fun. If any of you get the chance to play in the it!

Friday, February 23, 2007

Ultra-sound pictures

He's definately a boy!!!

Well I finally scanned the ultra-sound pictures. Some are from December 30 (15 weeks) and others from February 22 (22 weeks). When I had my ultra-sound yesterday, the tech told me that Clayson is about 1 pound 2 ounces. She changed the due date to 5 days later (June 29) but my Doctor is going to stick with the first date (June 24).

Side view of his face with his little hand up to his mouth.

Alexandria showed more of an interest in this appointment than any other. She was fascinated with the ultra-sound and kept telling her Uncle Joey "look, look." Before we left the house I explained what we were going to Mommy's doctor for. She wanted to know if we could hear the baby's heartbeat in her tummy. She really thinks she has a baby in her tummy too.

His tummy and legs crossed. He had his legs crossed almost the whole time.

Clayson moves so much! I have been feeling a lot of tightness. It feels as though he is turning. The tech said that as of yesterday he was face down with his body in my left side and his feet across my upper body. He's sprawled out...and I feel it.

I have dreams nearly every night of what he looks like. I'm anxious to see if my dreams are remotley close. I can have him as early as 15 weeks from now. I can't believe how this pregnancy is flying by. Amazing...but I'm enjoying every minute of it.

His legs and boy parts

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Crazy weather

Today's hail. I took this picture while driving. Look at the looks like snow, but it's hail.

Just yesterday I was amazed at how warm and beautiful the weather was. Today is was very gloomy and rainy. This evening parts of Tulare lost power and there was lightning and thunder. When the power came back on seconds later there was loud rain. I looked outside and it looked like a snow storm but when I opened the door I couldn't believe what I saw. It was hail. Driving home was slippery and the ground looked white like snow. The size of the hail was huge! This weather is very crazy!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Alexandria's "Big Girl Bed"

Monday James and I bought Alexandria a "big girl bed." We figured that we should put her in a bigger bed before the baby comes so she doesn't think he's taking her bed from her. We hadn't explained the details to her, we just told her she was getting a "big girl bed." When our neighbor told her that the crib was going to be baby Clayson's, Alexandria looked up at me and pouted her lip, then walked to the end of the hallway and sat with her head down. I had to make a very big deal about the new bed and instantly she was excited again. When James brought the bed into her room she was so excited! She wanted to jump on the new bed, but that didn't last long. I had to remind her of the song "No more mokeys jumping on the bed." And sure enough she fell off. That night she couldn't wait to get in bed. And Tuesday morning I had to wake her up at 9am because she was still knocked out. It was the same thing last night, although she couldn't sleep as late this morning...she had school. Today when we got home her new bedding had arrived. We set it all up and she kept asking "it's mine, Mommy?" She had to tell Gaga how pretty it was. Right now she's tucked in her "big girl bed" and fast asleep.

Monday, February 19, 2007


All afternoon yesterday Alexandria fought a nap. She was so playful and happy though. While James and I were getting ready for Church this is how she fell asleep. I couldn't believe it. And as soon as we got to Church she was up and happy again. It was a 10 minute power nap.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Valentine's Day

I was hoping to post this yesterday...on Valentine's Day, but it was a very busy day for us. Alexandria had an exciting day at school. She had a party (and of course she thought it was a Birthday party) just after breakfast. Last week all the kids made heart-shaped Valentine holders and she came home with hers jammed packed with Valentines and candy from her classmates. The day before Alexandria and I made cupcakes and her Valentines. That evening we delivered them to family and friends. Everytime someone opened the Valentine she wanted it back. I guess she doesn't quite understand the idea of giving something to someone. Well we had a full day from beginning to end. I hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine's Day!

Alexandria woke up this way a few days ago from her nap.
If you look closely you can see that she has a
different top as well as bottoms around her waist.

This was today...she thinks this slip is dress up clothes.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

It's Raining, It's Pouring

The weather forecast calls for rain in the Central Valley. We definately need it! To motivate Alexandria for school tomorrow I told her she gets to wear her rain boots. She loves her boots. Being that it's suppose to rain all day tomorrow and Saturday I think we'll go play in the puddles outside sometime this weekend. We've never done that. As a matter of fact I don't even know if I've ever done that. So it will be fun for us both. It's so fun to get a reason to play again...and it's so much fun with Alexandria.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Day 2

I've been told that the second day of school is the hardest. It started out that way for Alexandria. She woke up in a great mood but didn't want to put her clothes on. She wanted to stay in her "jammas." Once I got her all ready and in the car she realized that I was taking her to school. She cried the whole way there. Tears, redface...the works. I gave her a picture of the three of us and told her that she can look at it when she is sad. I kept reassuring her that Mommy will be back after Mommy is out of school. The tears kept rolling down. When she got into the lunch room and saw Teacher Belinda she instantly reached for her and put her head on her shoulder. That was my chance to sneak out. When I picked her up this afternoon, Teacher Margret told me that she did great. She only cried a little at nap time and slept nearly 2 hours. Margret gave Alexandria the picture of us at nap time and she told me that Alexandria looked at it and flung it like a frisbee. I'm not quite sure how to interpret that one. But overall, preschool is turing out to be fun for Alexandria. She's doing great!

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

First Day of Preschool

It went very well! Alexandria woke up in a great mood and was very excited about going to school to play with the kids. I was hoping to take some pictures of her at home, but she wasn't having it. As soon as we got out of the car at school she was ready for the camera, with her hood on. When we walked through the door of her classroom at 8:30 and she went straight to a little girl and grabbed her hand. The girl told Alexandria that they were going to be eating breakfast in 15 minutes. Alexandria said "okay." I took her jacket off of her and gave her a kiss. She pouched her lip and went over to Teacher Candice (our good friend and neighbor) and said "bye mom!" I couldn't believe how good she did. It was actually kind of heart breaking, but at the same time it was good. It took everything inside me not to call throughout the day to check up on her. Every chance I had I looked at my cell phone to see if they had called...but no calls. When I picked her up at 4:30 she was sitting on one of the Teacher's lap and began crying when she saw my car. They said that she did real well except for nap time. She only slept for 30 minutes and cried a little. Other than that her first day was a success. I'm hoping tomorrow (Day 2) will be just as good.

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Poor Baby

My poor little baby. Alexandria was pretty fussy Friday when I picked her up from my mom's house. My mom said that she had been fine all day, but had been pulling at her hear. I spent nearly 30 minutes trying to figure out what Alexandria wanted. She was very out of character...throwing a tantrum. She finally fell asleep nearly 2 hours later. When she woke up she was in a good mood. She ended up going to bed late because of her late nap. She woke up around 3am and came in our room. She was very irritable and crying again. She told me she had an ouchie in her hear. Nothing I did calmed her down and I tried everything for 30 minutes. I called my mom and she told me I should take her to the ER. We got there around 4ish. The nurse at registration was amazed that Alexandria took the Tylenol from her hand and gave it to herself with no problem. Luckily Alexandria takes medicine very well. We didn't see a Dr. until around 5:30 and were released around 6. She has an ear infection in her left ear. She fell asleep on the way home from the ER and woke up at 8:30am in the best mood. She remembered it was her cousin's b-day so we took her to the party (the Dr. said that she'd be fine and isn't contagious). Alexandria played and played all day. She was in another great mood today. She's the greatest!!!

Alexandria and her friend Morgan

Be sure to check back tomorrow for pictures from her first day of school!!!

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Starting School

Alexandria is starting school Monday. James and I decided that it's time for her to have social interaction and her Doctor recomended her starting around 2 1/2 years old. I called this past Monday about openings to see when she could start and the director told me she could start as soon as she had a TB test. So Tuesday she got the shot. It was read today and she's starting Monday. This afternoon we had a tour of the school and she was very interested in the other kids and their art work. While we were talking to the director Alexandria asked to go with the other kids. When it was time for us to go, she wanted to stay. I'm hoping that Monday will be as easy as that. Tuesday after her shot we went to Target and she got to pick out her blanket for nap time at school. I washed it that night and it's all ready for school. I can't believe that my baby girl is starting Preschool. Time flies!!!
P.S. Be sure to check back next week...I'll be sure to post about her first day.