Friday, December 14, 2007

A picture with Santa

This is the first Christmas Alexandria hasn't been afraid of Santa. I really thought she was going to cry when she saw she's done every year. But I was happily wrong. She was so excited to see him that she forgot to tell him what she really wanted for Christmas. She saw a basket of candy canes next to him so that's all she said she wanted for Christmas. And Clayson, well he didn't quite know what to think. Just after the picture was taken he started crying. At least we got a tear free picture.

Monday, December 10, 2007

A Call to Santa

My friend posted some information on her blog ( about a site where your kids can sign up to call Santa and let him know what they want for Christmas. Alexandria thought it was great. And like Hillary and Natalie she wants to keep calling.
Jeannie, Thanks for letting us know about Alexandria was giggling listening to Santa talk to her and she was answering his questions. That's such a neat site.
I found another site. One to track Santa. It's Although Santa is still at the North Pole until Christmas Eve, you can track the bussiest village on the North Pole.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

I know it's been a while...and I have no excuses

As can imagine a lot has changed in nearly 3 months. I don't even know where to begin...

Alexandria started a new school the end of August and she's doing great! It's a Montessori school. I love their program. She's learned so much! She recites the Pledge and sings "My Country Tis of Thee" every morning she's there. She has made many new friends. One of whom she says she's going to marry. Can you believe she's already talking about marriage?
About the same time she started her new school she began dance classes. She does 30 minutes of ballet followed by 30 minutes of tap. She loves it. They've already begun learning their routine and she knows it pretty good. Their tap song is "The Lion Sings Tonight." I borrowed a CD my mom has with that song on it and we play it over and over while she dances around in the living room.

Alexandria & her dance class
October 30

Alexandria turned 3 a few weeks before my last post (Sept. 7) and for some reason I didn't post any pictures. The day of her actual birthday we took her to Adventure Park and got her a small cake. She usually likes to play games but she was attached to Trace (my cousin). But James got her to ride a go-cart with him. She enjoyed that.

The next day she had a Strawberry Shortcake party and my mom ordered a giant cupcake for her cake. It was filled with fresh strawberries. It was yummy!!!

We took the kids to the Tulare County Fair in mid-September. Alexandria rode some rides for the first time. The first one she wanted me to ride with her and the second she wanted to ride alone.

In October we went to the local pumpkin patch and let Alexandria pick out pumpkins for her and Clayson. (James & I got to pick our own) She had a blast writing all over her pumpkin and helping hollow and carve them. She decided that her pumpkin was sad and Clayson's was suprised.

Alexandria was supposd to be a Ballerina and Clayson was suppose to be a Peapod. Well neither of those worked out. Alexandria decided a few days before Halloween that she was going to be a Bumblebee again. And Clayson didn't like his Peapod costume. It was a bunting and I guess he felt a little tied down. He kept arching his back as if he was irritated. Halloween day I went to find him another costume. The only thing in his size I could find was a dalmation. My mom had a Cruella DeVille costume, so I had to dress up. Alexandria was a little confused about the whole "Trick-or-Treat" deal. She thought that after knocking on someone's door they were suppose to tell her "Trick-or-Treat" then stick candy in her bag. So guess who got to say it all night long...yes Mommy did. But we had fun!

Guiseppe even dressed up...he was a lobster.

For Thanksgiving we went to the Bay Area to my Uncle, Aunt & Cousin's. My cousin Trace recently became engaged to Nicole. So we celebrated the holiday and their engagement. Alexandria adores Trace & Nicole. When they asked her to be the flower girl she was excited...although I don't think she knows what that means. She talks about them getting married a lot.

Last year we began a new tradition. We decided that we would all decorate my mom's tree together. This day happened to be this past Friday. We were having a little too much fun and decorated Alexandria too.

Now a little about Clayson. He's changed so much. He's rolling all over the place and cooing at everything and everyone. He recently began getting in the crawling position and rocking a few times. He's eating baby food twice a day now and loving it. He's so much fun but oh, so demanding. He wants to be held 24 hours a day. There are many times I have to just put him in his swing and let him cry for a little bit to get things done. Alexandria will go into the the living room and talk to him and he hysterically laughs at her. He loves watching her and talking to her. She's such a good big sister. We go to the Doctor if a few weeks for his six month check up. Wow time flies!!!

Some additional pictures: Daddy gave him a crazy hair-do after the bath

Uncle Josh has got Alexandria into what she calls a "play housie housie." Better known as a tent.


Both of them in Mommy & Daddy's bed

Daddy gave the kids a ride...Clayson didn't have much fun

an oreo cookie

Clayson wearing Papaw's shoes

Sunday, September 23, 2007

it's been a while, but here they are!

It's been about 2 months since I last blogged. I won't bore you with the excuses...I'll just say "life is busy!" I'm still figuring out my new camera the only pictures I have to post are ones I had taken at the studio.
Alexandri a & Clayson (2 months)
August 2007
We finally have Clayson's acid reflux under control. The doctor has him on prevacid and it seems to be working. I also purchased what is called a moby wrap (check it out on I saw a lady in Costco with a baby about Clayson's age and stopped her and asked her about it. She told me that it was recommended to her for her baby's acid reflux. Clayson loves it...and Alexandria does too.

Alexandria started a new school the end of August. It's is a Montessori school. We are very happy with it and she has learned so much. She knows the Pledge and has learned great things, such as cleaning spills and organization. I have noticed her becoming more and more picky about her clothes. I went to dress her in navy the other day and she wanted to be in pink. What a girl, huh? She has such a great personality and it's really coming out. She blows me away sometimes with the things she says.

Miss Grump

On September 7, Alexandria turned 3! I can't believe it. When I woke her up to tell her Happy Birthday, she said "Mommy, my birthday is not ready yet." I think she associated her birthday with her party and she didn't see any party decorations. That night we took her to Adventure Park (she doesn't like Chuck-E-Cheese). She was more interested in being next to Trace (my cousin) than playing games. The next day she had a Strawberry "Corkcake" party and had lots of fun. It amazes me that my baby girl is already 3.

Clayson turned 3 months September 17. He's changed so much in the last month. He's discovered that he can control his hands. Each day he's using his hands more and more. He smiles and coo's so much. When he wakes in the morning he's smiling before his eyes are even opened. Just last night he laughed for the first time (at his Auntie Alise). It was very exciting. You know how most children love the car and usually fall asleep? Well it's not true for me. Alexandria screamed in the car as an infant, as does Clayson. He screames until he breaks out in a sweat and throws up. It's horrible. I think his best time of day is night, which use to be his worse. He goes to bed around 9:45 and doesn't wake up until 8 or 9ish. I'm VERY lucky!!!

Tomorrow we are going to the zoo and I'll be sure to take lots of pictures and try to post them soon.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Clayson is 1 month

Clayson is already a month old. I can't believe it. I took him to the Doctor yesterday and he weighs 9lbs. 4 oz. (fully clothed). He seems so little though.

This last month has really changed things in our household. It seems as though I'm always doing laundry. It's mind boggling how a little being can go through so many outfits in one day. For a few nights Clayson was very fussy. My friend (Felicia) told me about "Gripe Water" and it's amazing!!! It's naturally made for Colic, hiccups, and teething. It works instantly. One night, while my mom, Aunt Margie, and Grandma were out of town, Clayson was fussing for over 3 hours. Neither James or I knew what else we could do for him. I called my mom and broke down in tears. My Uncle Ronnie came to the rescue. I took Clayson out to my Uncle's ranch and he instantly put Clayson to sleep. He was a life saver.

Clayson is a good sleeper...thank God! Latley he's been staying awake more and more. He's recognizing voices and will follow them with his eyes. He's smiled a few times at us but smiles most at his Gaga. My grandpa told me that he looks like my grandma's dad (which is where we got Clay). I think his hair is going to be on the reddish side, and his eyes are big and blue.

Alexandria is now potty trained, so she's a Big Girl now. Every time she goes on the potty she wants a star sticker. She's doing very good. She's had just a few accidents. She's so much fun and a handful all in one. The other day James and I were talking loudly and she must have thought we were arguing. She ran in the room and told me "Mommy, you calm down to my daddy. Just take a breath." We wanted to laugh. She is miss big stuff.

Life is busy, but so much fun!

I don't have any pictures of Alexandria on this computer, so I'll have to post some of her soon.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Clayson Curry-James Lizardo

He's finally here!!!
Alexandria picked out this stuffed puppy for her brother.

Clayson Curry-James Lizardo was born on Sunday, June 17 (Father's Day). He was 6lbs 4 oz and 18 inches long.

After church Sunday morning we went to my mom's house for Father's Day brunch and it was yummy. Just after taking my last bite, I felt a pop and my water broke. That was at 2:45 and Clayson was born at 5:55. I'm very lucky to have such quick deliveries.

Alexandria was so excited when she first saw Clayson. He couldn't stop smiling.
Alexandria loves being a big sister. She's been very good and gentle and a little over protective. If he's not in her sight she asks where he is. She's such a big girl now...she's even potty training. She's doing great!

Right here she's opening the gift her brother gave her (it's a necklace that says "Big sister")

It is an amazing feeling being a mom of 2 precious, healthy children. I am so blessed!!!!!

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Still waiting...

Wednesday my mom drove me to the hospital because I was having very strong, consistent contractions. I spent the entire day and night at the hospital with contractions every minute to three minutes apart. I was not dialating past 1 1/2 cm so I was sent home Thursday morning. I've been so uncomfortable and very ready for Clayson to come. I am due in 8 days...but he's taking his time getting here. Look back at our blog soon for pictures.

Friday, June 8, 2007

Nap time

I've been trying to get Alexandria to take a nap for about 4 hours and she finally laid on the living room floor and fell asleep. Guiseppe thought he'd keep watch over her...

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

a little about everything

Last week my mom, Alexandria and I went out to breakfast. Alexandria wanted some "pepper" (better known as sugar) to stick her fingers in and lick off. Of course her Gaga let her. She was so excited. She decided, however, that instead of getting her fingers all sticky she'd eat the "pepper" like Guiseppe (our dog) eats his food. She's quite the character.

Later the same night, Josh, Alise, James, Alexandria and I went to a free concert at the outlet center in Tulare. Bucky Covington performed. Alexandria enjoyed listening to the music and munching on popcorn. I was really suprised she sat more than she danced. She loves dancing and singing along to music.

This afternoon I decided that instead of sitting in the house playing games and watching Blue's Clues or Barney, I would take Alexandria to the park. I had so much fun watching her, and she had so much fun telling me to watch her! It's really amazing how little it takes for a child to be completly entertained. Mommyhood is a blast!!!

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Memorial Weekend

Just about every weekend we've spent they entire day by my mom's pool. Alexandria is having so much fun in the water. She swims everywhere in the pool, by herself, with her floaties on. She's not afraid, which kind of makes me afraid. James is hoping to teach her to swim this summer.

Saturday after relaxing by the pool all day, I was having some very intense contractions. They were lasting 30-60 seconds and coming every 2-3 minutes. Alise timed them for about 45 minutes or so, then we went to the hospital. After being there for 30 mintues, they went to 2-9 minutes apart. I'm 1cm dialated, which doesn't necessarily mean anything. I have a doctor appointment Tuesday, so hopefully there will be a change.

We dediced to take a break from the sun on Memorial Day. We were all wore out from being in the sun ALL day Saturday and Sunday. We went to Adventure Park and Alexandria fell asleep on the way there. I had to take a picture of her sleeping. It didn't look very comfortable. She woke up after Alise, Josh, James and I spend some time waisting money playing games. She got to pick out some prizes before we left.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Just a few pictures

Alexandria loves to pose...

Did you know they make tiny press-on nails? She loved them!