Tuesday, February 6, 2007

First Day of Preschool

It went very well! Alexandria woke up in a great mood and was very excited about going to school to play with the kids. I was hoping to take some pictures of her at home, but she wasn't having it. As soon as we got out of the car at school she was ready for the camera, with her hood on. When we walked through the door of her classroom at 8:30 and she went straight to a little girl and grabbed her hand. The girl told Alexandria that they were going to be eating breakfast in 15 minutes. Alexandria said "okay." I took her jacket off of her and gave her a kiss. She pouched her lip and went over to Teacher Candice (our good friend and neighbor) and said "bye mom!" I couldn't believe how good she did. It was actually kind of heart breaking, but at the same time it was good. It took everything inside me not to call throughout the day to check up on her. Every chance I had I looked at my cell phone to see if they had called...but no calls. When I picked her up at 4:30 she was sitting on one of the Teacher's lap and began crying when she saw my car. They said that she did real well except for nap time. She only slept for 30 minutes and cried a little. Other than that her first day was a success. I'm hoping tomorrow (Day 2) will be just as good.


Phyllis said...

Oh my gosh,

I cant believe she is old enough to go to school of any kind.
Before I know it Derek will have his first day too.

He is coming soon!

Glad to see you guys more!
Love you lots