Sunday, September 23, 2007

it's been a while, but here they are!

It's been about 2 months since I last blogged. I won't bore you with the excuses...I'll just say "life is busy!" I'm still figuring out my new camera the only pictures I have to post are ones I had taken at the studio.
Alexandri a & Clayson (2 months)
August 2007
We finally have Clayson's acid reflux under control. The doctor has him on prevacid and it seems to be working. I also purchased what is called a moby wrap (check it out on I saw a lady in Costco with a baby about Clayson's age and stopped her and asked her about it. She told me that it was recommended to her for her baby's acid reflux. Clayson loves it...and Alexandria does too.

Alexandria started a new school the end of August. It's is a Montessori school. We are very happy with it and she has learned so much. She knows the Pledge and has learned great things, such as cleaning spills and organization. I have noticed her becoming more and more picky about her clothes. I went to dress her in navy the other day and she wanted to be in pink. What a girl, huh? She has such a great personality and it's really coming out. She blows me away sometimes with the things she says.

Miss Grump

On September 7, Alexandria turned 3! I can't believe it. When I woke her up to tell her Happy Birthday, she said "Mommy, my birthday is not ready yet." I think she associated her birthday with her party and she didn't see any party decorations. That night we took her to Adventure Park (she doesn't like Chuck-E-Cheese). She was more interested in being next to Trace (my cousin) than playing games. The next day she had a Strawberry "Corkcake" party and had lots of fun. It amazes me that my baby girl is already 3.

Clayson turned 3 months September 17. He's changed so much in the last month. He's discovered that he can control his hands. Each day he's using his hands more and more. He smiles and coo's so much. When he wakes in the morning he's smiling before his eyes are even opened. Just last night he laughed for the first time (at his Auntie Alise). It was very exciting. You know how most children love the car and usually fall asleep? Well it's not true for me. Alexandria screamed in the car as an infant, as does Clayson. He screames until he breaks out in a sweat and throws up. It's horrible. I think his best time of day is night, which use to be his worse. He goes to bed around 9:45 and doesn't wake up until 8 or 9ish. I'm VERY lucky!!!

Tomorrow we are going to the zoo and I'll be sure to take lots of pictures and try to post them soon.