Thursday, October 30, 2008

Touching Story

The other day I was watching a recorded episode of Oprah. It was about miracle children. All the stories touched me, however this one made me cry. It truly is a touching story. Check out the link below to view it.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A bowl of grapes

Tonight Clayson and Alexandria wanted their own bowls of grapes. They each went their separate ways to eat them so the other would not take from their bowls. James told me that when Clayson was finished with all his grapes, he went to the cabinet, opened it up, placed his bowl on the shelf and closed the cabinet. I thought this was so cute and wanted to share. This little 16 month old, very busy boy realized that when you're finished with something you should put it back...let's see if this works with his toys.

And yes...we took it out of the cabinet so it can be washed. :)

Monday, October 27, 2008


A moment of venting...

Well if it's not one thing, it's usually another. James was laid off work after we went convient, right? So he's been looking for work...and of course no luck. This economy is BAD right now!

We just got news today from his doctor that he has a 2.5" cyst (spelling?) on his hip. I never knew that a cyst replaces bone. So it can't just be removed without replacing it with something. Because of the size, he's going to have to have hip replacement surgery. Can you believe this?!?! And to top it all off...our insurance is going to run out the 31st. we're on the hunt for affordable, yet good insurance.

Let's just say things are quite overwhelming around here! But I know it will work has to!

Friday, October 17, 2008

The Last 4 Months

Well I finally updated. It only took me 2 hours...but I did it....hopefully I can stay ontop of it and this won't happen again. :)

September 2008

Clayson's first hair cut...

************************************************************************************Gotta love Starbucks!

Happy Birthday to me!


Alexandria with her cousins.


Playing Dress-up


Dorothy & the Scarecrow


Two tired boys

my mom was involved in a boating accident in Mexico. Clayson loved the idea of a neck brace.


Tulare County Fair Parade

Happy 4th Birthday, Princess Alexandria!

We decorated our entry-way and kitchen. Instead of having a red carpet, we had a pink one. All the girls had to walk across the carpet to get to the party area. Then they walked through the pink curtains. Alise has more pictures of the decorations. It was so much fun preparing for her party. I don't think we'll be able to ever top this party. She had so much fun!

At the other end of the picture was "Princess Jasmine." Alexandria got a suprise visit from her favorite princess.
She danced with them...

She read to them...

Alexandria got to hold the magic lamp while Princess Jasmine told her story.
The magic carpet ride cake.

Alexandria's princess party was a blast!!!

August 2008

Crack kills!

Lizardo family Reunion

Playing at the water park.

Throwing a fit.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

July 2008

Happy 78th Birthday, Papaw!

Little Miss Attitude

Joey wearing Papaw's hat
Alexandria wearing Papaw's hat


She put lip gloss on for school.
James & his best friend Michael
Clayson wearing Papaw's hat


A little vacation with the Phelps Family

This vacation wore them out

Alexandria & Cereyah
He's not afraid of anything!


Happy 60th Anniversary Mamaw & Papaw

I guess when you've been married 60 years this is what happens...


Clayson in the dog bed


July 4th Celebration

It looked better than it tased.

Gotta love the homemade ice cream
Alexandria was afraid of the fireworks, so Jessikah was comforting her.


Alexandria wrote her name for the first time. She didn't quite get all the letters in order, but they're all there.


Watching the City's Fireworks
Uncle Josh, Auntie Alise & Clayson

Alise & Maddysen (Happy 1st bday Maddysen!)

Ramona & Jessikah