Thursday, May 31, 2007

Memorial Weekend

Just about every weekend we've spent they entire day by my mom's pool. Alexandria is having so much fun in the water. She swims everywhere in the pool, by herself, with her floaties on. She's not afraid, which kind of makes me afraid. James is hoping to teach her to swim this summer.

Saturday after relaxing by the pool all day, I was having some very intense contractions. They were lasting 30-60 seconds and coming every 2-3 minutes. Alise timed them for about 45 minutes or so, then we went to the hospital. After being there for 30 mintues, they went to 2-9 minutes apart. I'm 1cm dialated, which doesn't necessarily mean anything. I have a doctor appointment Tuesday, so hopefully there will be a change.

We dediced to take a break from the sun on Memorial Day. We were all wore out from being in the sun ALL day Saturday and Sunday. We went to Adventure Park and Alexandria fell asleep on the way there. I had to take a picture of her sleeping. It didn't look very comfortable. She woke up after Alise, Josh, James and I spend some time waisting money playing games. She got to pick out some prizes before we left.


Jemmmma said...

Her hair is SO cute! Love the curls!

Jana Allard said...

What a beautiful big sister she will be! Have someone let the world know when the baby boy is here! Hope all goes well and easy for you. Muah!