Saturday, May 12, 2007

A day at the zoo

Today was Alexandria's first trip to the zoo. It was so much fun for the three of us! She enjoyed looking at each animal and had a song for almost all of them. She sang a song about the elephants for a while after we walked away from them. Any animal that had a big one and a small one she called "mommy" and "Alexandria." (It wasn't always a cute thing though.)

There was one small section of the zoo where people could go in and pet certain animals. Alexandria loved the goats (but she kept saying they were big puppies). She asked James why they had ouchies on their heads (their horns). Once she realized that they didn't mind being touched he kept touching their ears and laughing.

Alexandria is not quite as tall as a giraffe (haha) but she's growing. I couldn't believe that a baby giraffe is 6ft tall when it is born. As we approached the giraffes, we asked her if she wanted to feed them. She got a little afraid, so we continued on. A few minutes later she wanted to go back to the giraffes and feed them. But once we paid the fee and she got close, she again became afraid. But look at the tongue...I would have been afraid to hold my hand up to it's mouth also.

After a long day at the zoo, it was time for a bath. I love this picture. It should be the next Edge commercial. She has never played with shaving cream before...and boy did she have fun.