Thursday, July 19, 2007

Clayson is 1 month

Clayson is already a month old. I can't believe it. I took him to the Doctor yesterday and he weighs 9lbs. 4 oz. (fully clothed). He seems so little though.

This last month has really changed things in our household. It seems as though I'm always doing laundry. It's mind boggling how a little being can go through so many outfits in one day. For a few nights Clayson was very fussy. My friend (Felicia) told me about "Gripe Water" and it's amazing!!! It's naturally made for Colic, hiccups, and teething. It works instantly. One night, while my mom, Aunt Margie, and Grandma were out of town, Clayson was fussing for over 3 hours. Neither James or I knew what else we could do for him. I called my mom and broke down in tears. My Uncle Ronnie came to the rescue. I took Clayson out to my Uncle's ranch and he instantly put Clayson to sleep. He was a life saver.

Clayson is a good sleeper...thank God! Latley he's been staying awake more and more. He's recognizing voices and will follow them with his eyes. He's smiled a few times at us but smiles most at his Gaga. My grandpa told me that he looks like my grandma's dad (which is where we got Clay). I think his hair is going to be on the reddish side, and his eyes are big and blue.

Alexandria is now potty trained, so she's a Big Girl now. Every time she goes on the potty she wants a star sticker. She's doing very good. She's had just a few accidents. She's so much fun and a handful all in one. The other day James and I were talking loudly and she must have thought we were arguing. She ran in the room and told me "Mommy, you calm down to my daddy. Just take a breath." We wanted to laugh. She is miss big stuff.

Life is busy, but so much fun!

I don't have any pictures of Alexandria on this computer, so I'll have to post some of her soon.


Jemmmma said...

So cute! I've been meaning to post a comment. I can't believe you have a little baby boy! How is everything? Write a new post and I'd enjoy some updated pictures of the siblings together!


Katie said...

marise & fam,

i have wanted to post a congrats on your blog for a while, but just recently figured out how to do so without it being an anonynous one...anywho-- clayson is adorable. i have been reading up on you guys. congrats!

Jemmmma said...

New blog post please!
