Tuesday, January 9, 2007

The little helper

Happy (late) New Year!

We recently found out that we're having a boy. We are so excited. His name is Clayson James. (As soon as I scan the ultrasound pictures I'll be sure to post them.) Alexandria tells everyone her baby's name is "Kayson James." For Christmas we bought her a doll house and there is an entire family that goes along with it. She's named them all after our family memebers. There is even a baby Clayson. The other day she was playing with her dolls and she held the Auntie Alise and Uncle Josh dolls and said "You're my best friend." I'm not sure where she heard that, but it was cute.

When James washes the vehicles, he usually lets Alexandria "help." And when she does she wants to wear her rain boots. After I took this picture she wanted to see it and said, "Aw how cute." I guess I say that often when I take a picture of her and she's definately picking up everything we say. She amazes me daily. She says things that make me want to laugh, but they're things I know I shouldn't laugh at. Like "hold on Mommy, okay" and "wait a minute, I'll be right back." She's been asking the why question quite often and I hear my mom in my answers (because I said so). As much as I always said I won't be just like my mom...I was wrong!


Jana Allard said...

How darling! I love it when lil ones start talking and they try to be soooo grown up. Enjoy every second! She will be 21 tomorrow - or so it seems.

Smee said...

Congratulations! "Clayson James," huh? :)

What a sweet description of Alexandria with her dollhouse dolls!
