Monday, February 18, 2008

Alexandria & Clayson

I didn't realize until I downloaded my pictures (because it shows the date), but Clayson turned 8 months yesterday. He's really changed. He's getting so big and so active. He began crawling shortly after he turned 6 months. I really wansn't expecting that...Alexandria was 9 months, which seemed right on. Within a few weeks he mastered crawling and began pulling himself up onto things like the coffee table, stools, toy baskets, kitchen chairs, the dog kennel: well anything he can. For some reason he continually will let go, maybe thinking he can stand. The result is tears and screams because he ends up hitting his head. I'm sure that very soon he's going to let go and just stand. He's cut two teeth, which are VERY sharp! He is full of laughter and brings such excitement to our lives.
Yesterday I took Alexandria and Clayson to an open grassy field in my grandparent's neighborhood. My plan was to let Alexandria ride her tricycle, but she wanted her "Dora bike-thing."

She got bored with that quick because it wasn't doing what she wanted. (In other words, she couldn't petal and go in the direction she wanted.)

So she moved on to the "Princess scooter." Again, didn't last long.

She then wanted her "Cinderella ball." So by here command we played kick. I got a little work out. I had to do all the running. Clayson enjoyed being in his stroller...for once.

He quietly watched us play. My mom, grandma, Alise & Josh decided to come join us. Gaga, Auntie & Uncle took turns being bossed around by Alexandria. When everyone was wore out Alexandria got sad. It was nap time!

Clayson had his first experience with grass. He kept looking at it, so I decided to sit him in it to see what he'd do. He seemed to like it and was pulling at it.

Then I let him crawl on hit. He didn't quite like it anymore.

But he kept crawling to the edge of the blanket as if he wanted to go on the grass but wasn't quite sure. He raised his hand as if he was going to put it on the grass then just put it back on the blanket. I remember that Alexandria's reaction to grass (and the sand) was very similar to Claysons. I wonder if he'll be that way with the sand also?!?

Today I was painting Alexandira's toes & nails & had put Clayson in his jumparoo so he wouldn't get into anything. After I finished with Alexandria this is how I found Clayson...